As you can see, they're keeping an eye on the ebay camper with the hope of getting some original curtains, but with her custom cushion, and by the look of it, a great deal of cleaning, Polly's showing some great progress. So much so that her and her friends at demon dubs won the best group show and shine prize at dubstock over the weekend.

Well done Polly!
Well done Kate, Guy and Polly!
Brilliant acheivement - see, you really did get a bargain!
Oh, and by the way....nice curtains - that's what clinched it, I reckon! :D
Hi again.
Just seen your commebnt, kate about a possible Palomino Club show & shine at vanfest. Now there's a good idea! I'm up for it!
Hopefully Claude should be very shiny by then, and Tom, you were saying you were going to have your Palomino resprayed - will it be done by then too?
Anyone else interested?
Alex, seeing as Beachbuggin isn't on this year, (boo) will you be making the trip, or is it a little far? You were asking how Claude's getting on - well I think 'slowly' would be the right word! Not much seems to have happened at all, but the guy still insists he'll be finished in time for Vanfest. He knows that's the deadline. I'll just have to keep nagging! Meanwhile Stan the westy is doing OK as a substitute, but I miss the space.
thats a mighty fine green bay sat next to polly kidda ! :-)
You could make that mighty fine green bay even smarter by purchasing the Palonimo roof that's up on fleebay bro! :-)
Must have had too much of that red wine we got at 41p a litre in spain, Of course I mean Palomino.
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