Meanwhile, on the fabulous tat bazaar that is ebay, someone has beheaded a Palomino and is selling the roof! I suppose if you wanted to convert an inferior van to a Palomino, this would be an excellent starting point.
for owners and admirers of the Volkswagen Palomino camper van - the vw van with the boat on its roof.
Hi Gemma, How the van comming along and have you given him/her a name yet?
Hi Gemma, great to see another Palomino on here, how long have you had it for? Where did you get it from? I've just bought myself a new Awning and will be heading off to Dorset on the 29th of this Month, should be great!
Anyone else had any Palomino based Holidays so far this Year?
I saw a Palomino when I was in Cornwall last month. But it made a swift getaway before I could chase it down in my mumtruck
Polly has had a service and new exhaust and a few problems fixed. We get her back tomorrow. Just bought an awning too but not sure how to fix it yet.
Hi Gemma
As Alex says - it's great to see yet another Palomino, and from the photos, it looks like the kids are already making themselves at home!
Hello again Alex, Kate and Ian - hope you've all been making the most of your campers despite the rubbish summer we've had.
Dorset sounds good, Alex, let's hope the weather picks up for you. When I eventually get Claude back, I'm definitely going to make the effort to go down to the south coast. There's no sign of him yet though, and the chap who's doing the restoration isn't answering his phone, which is a worry. So I think I can safely say there'll be no Claude at Vanfest. I'm still going down in the car though, seeing as I've already sold Stan. Is Polly all ready for Vanfest now, Kate?
By the way, Ian - shame on you! You went to Cornwall and you were driving a mumtruck? Not Ninja?? I though VW campers were compulsory in Cornwall!
Yes Pippa, Polly is nearly ready. Sorry to hear that Claud won't be as I was looking forward to meeting him. Polly has had a service and new exhaust and is running much better and safer, no fumes in the cab now. Hopefully she should have her new window seals done early next week and then we are all set. Keep a look out for her at Vanfest.
Hi all, just thought i'd leave a message on here as it seems to have gone a bit quiet lately, how is everyone?
Is Claude finished?
The fuel pump went on my Volks and apparently it's extremely hard to find a replacement mechanical fuel pump for a 2 litre type 2, believe you me i've tried!
But, it's easy to buy en electric fuel pump along with everything needed for the conversion.I've been told that the best place to position the electric pump is on the bulkhead and to wire it into the coil, i.e low tension.
Just make sure though that you remove the old mechanical push rod and buy a blanking plate for the hole, otherwise things could get a bit oily!
I will keep everyone posted on my experience/progress as i'm hoping to convert it this Weekend.
Yes, you're right Alex, it's gone a bit quiet, although saying that, I've just noticed that Kate has left a comment about Vanfest on an earlier post too - didn't see that before!
You sound like you really know what you're doing with the technical stuff - I wouldn;t even know what a fuel pump looked like, and I definitely wouldn't dare tackle it myself. " Mechanical push rod"? "Blanking plate"? Words like that have me running straight to the phone to ring the 'Herbie Hospital'!
No, Claude certainly isn't finished! Nowhere near by the sounds, and I'm getting pretty frustrated. The guy has given up working on vehicles as a full time job and is now just pottering in his spare time, which is not much good for me! I'll have to get up there soon and see what's going on. It's been a year now.
Kate - did you have a good time at Vanfest? I didn't make it in the end, but next year, I WILL have Claude back, and I WILL be there, all weekend!
Even better idea ref the fuel pump!!! Instead of having to mess around with a blanking plate, leave the old mechanical fuel pump in place, but make sure you disconnect the push rod, i.e the old pump looks and seals everything the same as before but isn't operational due to the removal of the push rod.
I think my vee dub has reached the point of starting to rust slightly, there's a few bubbles popped up around the door bottoms and along the seem on the front, just underneath the spare tyre, just out of interest, have any of your other motors got the original radio in? Also, do they have glove compartment doors/lids, mine just has a compartment with no lid.
I don't have the original radio, but I do have a lit on the glove compatiment.
Tom (Belgian member of the Palomino club)
Sorry to hear your having trouble Alex and Pippa. Vanfest was a great weekend. Very muddy to say the least. Polly is having a few problems with her carbs but we hope it can be sorted. fingers crossed.Good luck sorting out the problems you two.
A really delayed reply. We got her in July, our first campervan. And managed to get away a few times down to cornwall which was great fun, its handy only being in Devon! We've invested in an awning, and painted the interior, I made some new curtains and replaced the old carpet inside with lino for now. The plan is to get some new paint on the outside, the purple is a bit loud! So she's going to be blue and white, my hubby, angus has spent many hours online reading about rolling with rustoleum, so I think we're going to give it ago in the spring, so wish us luck!!
I have a Palomino roof that is about to be removed from my van(please dont abuse me its only so i can get in car parks!) if anyone is interested. offers to coxengineering@hotmail.com Thanks Owen
Hi Gemma, we bought your palomino from a guy in hull last February we have now sprayed it mint green and called it minty. Tina
Please continue this great work and I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts. palomino RV dealers in Missouri
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