for owners and admirers of the Volkswagen Palomino camper van - the vw van with the boat on its roof.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Palominos in the summer
The slightly shabby Palomino that went unsold on ebay a few months back is for sale again, by someone else. They make the rather dubious claim that "the interior is still in pretty much original condition". If you want to see how ludicrous this is, take a look. But if you're desperate for a Palomino, there's a buy it now of five grand.
Meanwhile, at Glastonbury, where I terribly failed to meet up with Adrian and Clare, Pippa was spotting Palominos in the camper field.
Oh sorry didn't see that. I hope to see some myself soon but haven't seen any others except photos on here and on ebay. Was nice to see the photo of the black t25. Do you reckon we know of about 10 or 12 Palominos in total now?
It's ok. I wouldn't expect anyone to notice that ancient entry, but it does seem to attract new people. Another entry has just been left about yet another new one!
Well Pippa must be in the lead of Palomino spotting this year so far (what do you think). Also I have an apology to make to Pippa - when I showed Guy Claude's photo today he reckons that the material I have used for my curtains is the same or similar as Pippa's but in a different colour. I didn't notice until he pointed it out. Looks like I am being a real Katie copy cat sorry. Either that or we have both just got good taste.
Yes - those curtains are exactly the same fabric, but in another colour. They go really well in there, actually - they suit the retro colour scheme. So - great minds do think alike! :)
I do seem to have seen a lot of Palominos, but I don;t seem to have to go out of my way - the black T25 was parked just behind my van at Glastonbury and Linz & Andy's whie T2 was right at the side of the main track down to the festival. I suppse thy're just easy to spot! And then I can't help going and saying 'hi'!
Ian, as for the 'welcome to the palomino club' entry, there's not really anywhere else for new owners to leave their comments, so maybe we'll all need to keep an eye on that one for the future!
We are the owners of Ethel (the black T25 in the photo)! How exciting finding her on here! Just got back from Vanfest today but didn't take her as she is not very well at the moment. Always intended on looking up the palomino club, just took a long time getting round to it. 2 years today in fact (we got her from Van Fest 2007). Hello to you all! Kate, Paul & Ethel :O)
The curtains look original but not sure about the rest?? Makes me think we got a bargin with ours though.
We went to our first VW event last weekend and guess what. We won the best club group show and shine. So Palomino's can be winners.
Sorry forgot to say it was with Demon Dubs.
Pippa must get the prize for Palomino spotter of the year. Do they want to join the forum?
There's still 5 months of Palomino spotting to go, Kate!
Linz and Andee own the white one - they left a comment on the "welcome to the palomino club" entry.
Oh sorry didn't see that. I hope to see some myself soon but haven't seen any others except photos on here and on ebay. Was nice to see the photo of the black t25. Do you reckon we know of about 10 or 12 Palominos in total now?
It's ok. I wouldn't expect anyone to notice that ancient entry, but it does seem to attract new people. Another entry has just been left about yet another new one!
Well Pippa must be in the lead of Palomino spotting this year so far (what do you think). Also I have an apology to make to Pippa - when I showed Guy Claude's photo today he reckons that the material I have used for my curtains is the same or similar as Pippa's but in a different colour. I didn't notice until he pointed it out. Looks like I am being a real Katie copy cat sorry. Either that or we have both just got good taste.
Hi Kate!
Yes - those curtains are exactly the same fabric, but in another colour. They go really well in there, actually - they suit the retro colour scheme. So - great minds do think alike! :)
I do seem to have seen a lot of Palominos, but I don;t seem to have to go out of my way - the black T25 was parked just behind my van at Glastonbury and Linz & Andy's whie T2 was right at the side of the main track down to the festival. I suppse thy're just easy to spot! And then I can't help going and saying 'hi'!
Ian, as for the 'welcome to the palomino club' entry, there's not really anywhere else for new owners to leave their comments, so maybe we'll all need to keep an eye on that one for the future!
Well we went to Vanfest and I only saw one palomino and that was mine. I must be the worst spotter ever. Pipper your still in the lead I think.
We are the owners of Ethel (the black T25 in the photo)! How exciting finding her on here! Just got back from Vanfest today but didn't take her as she is not very well at the moment. Always intended on looking up the palomino club, just took a long time getting round to it. 2 years today in fact (we got her from Van Fest 2007). Hello to you all! Kate, Paul & Ethel :O)
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