I'm from Belgium and after 3 years of driving a vw camper(79)with a boat-roof,i now know it's a Palomino camper!
I always thought the sticker on the back"palomino"was of a bar or a pub....and i removed it:(
Let's have a palomino meeting!!!!
And here are some pictures, including evidence of the sticker removal, and an impressive amount of stuff.
Hi Tom
Welcome to the club! It's great to see your Palomino, especially as it's left-hand drive like mine. (mine's the one called 'Claude' in the Palomino Club pictures) I was starting to think I had the only LHD Palomino in existence, so I was really excited to see the photos of yours. You have the original roofrack too, you lucky thing!
I'd love to see your van and I think the idea of a Palomino meeting is a great idea -
a couple of us have already said we would like to meet up again at Vanfest this September: (www.vanfest.org) and it would be good if you could make it too, if you fancy a trip over to England. Or if you're over here before then, let us know!
Just a couple of questions - I can't tell from the photos, but does your Palomino have a false window on the rear right hand side, like my van does, or does it have a metal panel like the right hand drive Palominos seem to have? Also, have you seen any other Palominos over there in Europe?
Keep writing in!
ps - Adrian/Clare and Alex, are you all up for Vanfest? :)
Hi Pippa
Thanks for the warm welcome....
I didn't now that I was the proud owner of a "palomino"camper,before I found this site,thanks to a tip from somebody at www.flat4free.be.
I just thought I had a camper with an ugly boat on top....
But now I love my Palomino!!!!
It's great to see all the others!
I would like to meet all of you,but I will have to do something about me getting seesick....
I will let you now wich event(In Belgium or in The Nederlands)I will atempt.
I'll do my best to show up at vanfest too.
I don't have a window at the rear right hand side.
As far as I know I am the only Palomino camper in Belgium,but I'm trying to find some others now I know the name"palomino".
Would you and the others think about comming to Belgium for a meeting? I'll try to find a big one with camping space.
Hope to see you and "claude"soon.
Great to see another Palomino!
I thoroughly cleaned out my carbs the other day as the running was getting rough again, here's a little tip for everyone, never ever put redex fuel system cleaner into your Volks(unless everything is thoroughly clean/ it's been treated to redex/an additive on a regular basis. I ended up having to take off the carbs, clean out everything including jets/float bowls and everything. I guess the bottom of a 29 Year old petrol tank is a pretty dirty place and is best kept where it is! The carbs were full of this horrible yellow jelly which turned out to be congealed water.
How's Claude running these days Pippa? Also, would there be any chance of scanning me across the Magazine articles Claude featured in?
What's the latest on your Palomino Ian? Do you think it'll breeze through it's next MOT?
As far as meetings go, i will definately be going to Beachbuggin and a Palomino meet up sounds a superb idea!
I think it's a lot more likely to pass this year than last. I'll be doing the brakes soon when the weather perks up a bit.
I've also got a magazine article to scan from way back, but my scanner's on the blink at the moment.
Hey Ian,
I've sent you an e-mail of two artikels about palomino's(volksworld camper&bus).
It's about Pipa's van Claude.
Maybe you can put it on the site?
It would be fantastic to see any Palomino related articles etc, as Ian is having a few problems with his Scanner, you could always send them direct to me, my email address is as follows
Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter! Thanks for emailing across that article Tom, it was definately an interesting read!
Anyone got any Camper related Holidays planned for the Summer Months?
I'm hoping to get away in it for a few Weeks, i'm thinking of going down to Durdle Door in Dorset, have a look on the web if you've never been there, it's quite a place!
Hello fellow Palomino owners!
Hi Tom, I'd love to take Claude to Belgium or the Netherlands when I eventually get him back from the garage. I've been intending to take him over to Europe at some stage - he's LHD so it should be easy to drive over there (I think!)Is anyone else up for a trip over? It would be great if you could get over here for Vanfest though - it's a fantastic event.
Hello again Alex! Sounds like you've been busy with your van. I barely know what a carb looks like, never mind how to clean out all the jetty bits. And I've never heard of redex, so I'm sure Claude hasn't had any of that,luckily.
As for poor Claude, he's not running at all at the moment. He's at a classic car restoration place near Darlington, having a complete bare metal, everything-off renovation. He's been there since October and they've only just started on him in the last couple of weeks. There are quite a few bits to sort out, and it's costing me a fortune, but the guy is an absolute perfectionist, he won't use any filler at all - everything has to be perfect straight metal, so I know he'll do a fantastic job. It's just going to take so long! Looks like it may be as long as September. I'll send in pictures of his progress. I REALLY miss my camper - it's like having a favourite pet in quarantine or something!
So...don't pick on me for this - I'm looking to buy a 'temporary camper van' for the spring/summer until I get him back. It'll probably be a Westy - one that I can sell on again quickly. I know, I know - it's not a Palomino, but at least it's something to go to Glastonbury an Beachbuggin' in! I've seen a few that look OK on the internet, so I'm off van-hunting this week while I'm on holiday. On the subject of holidays, as soon as I have my stand-in van, I'll be off out in it at every available opportunity as I was last year. I've heard of Durdle Door, and I'd love to go there, and to Devon and Cornwall too, although it's a really long way from here.
Ian, you'll have to get some more pics of your Palomino up on the club site when you've got him fixed up, and it would be nice if you could bring him to meet some of us this year, at Beachbuggin' or Vanfest or somewhere. When I get more photos of Claude's restoration, I'll send you them - please could you post them for me?
Phew! Long comment! :)
Pippa x
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